5 Reminders for Your Community This Holiday Season


Let’s share a few reminders for the upcoming holiday season!

#1—Promote Your Holiday Hours

With package delivery at an all-time high, make sure your residents are fully aware of your holiday hours and package pickup policies. If you over-promote anything, make sure it’s this. And try to have fun with it.

#2—Swap Out Photos That Don’t Match the Season

Temporarily change out any warm-weather photos that you are using in your marketing for something more appropriate for the holidays.

Just search “Winter Holidays” or “Winter Holidays People” on istockphoto.com for a collection of inspiring photos.

#3—Change Your Automated Emails to Reflect the Holidays

If you have automated emails that go out, simply add a line or two that gives a holiday greeting.

#4—Consider Hosting a Virtual Holiday Event or #Hashtag Contest

The holidays are a great time to bring residents together, virtually speaking. Why not have Santa drop in on a virtual event. Or maybe even hold a holiday #hashtag contest on Instagram.

#5—Bring Attention to Your Lease Renewal Notices

If you’re sending out lease renewal notices this month, take advantage of the holiday season. What can you do to make that notice stand out even more? Here’s one idea:


Written by Josh Grillo

Josh Grillo is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and Co-Founder of Resident360.

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