Why Doesn’t My Website Show Up on the First Page of Google When I Search My Community Name?


There are usually three factors contributing to an apartment website not showing up in Google search results when the property name is searched. Let’s dive into each, and I’ll share how to fix it.

If your property is new, chances are the domain was just purchased as well. When this website launches, Google is not quite sure how to rank it in its results. The main reason is that there is no history.

The Fix: This usually works itself out over a few weeks and the apartment website starts showing up when the name is searched. If not, let’s look at factor #2.

If the community name is broad (meaning lots of other communities/businesses share that same name), you’re probably going to be showing up on page 2 or 3 of Google search results.

The Fix: Make sure you have claimed, and more importantly, optimized your GMB listing (Google My Business). Double-check that your apartment website is included in your GMB profile. Google likes to show relevant GMB listings next to search results. In this case, there’s a very good chance your property could start showing up. If not, let’s move to factor #3.

If it’s been a few months and your property still isn’t ranking for your community name, then you need to look at the on-page SEO.

The Fix: Make sure your community name and the specific location of the property is used as a keyword throughout your website. This means using it in title tags, meta descriptions, H1 tags, some alt tags, and the website text. You also want to have a sitemap submitted to Google on their Search Console.

To increase your visibility, consider setting up profiles on various social media properties and include a link back to your website.

Want to learn even more? Check out this full article on SEO I published that covers this topic in more detail.

Written by Josh Grillo

Josh Grillo is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and Co-Founder of Resident360.

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