Google Ads Roundup: Highest Performing Apartment Ads For Second Quarter


When you’re running Google Ads campaigns, there is always that one ad that stands out from the rest, generating more conversions than any other ad. Below you will find just that. Here are the top converting ads broken-out by Ad Type – Dynamic Search Ads, Responsive Search Ads, Expanded Text Ads, Responsive Display Ads.

Dynamic Search Ads 

Google Dynamic Search Ads for Apartments

Why It Works:

Dynamic Search Ads use your website’s content to help capture additional traffic you may not know you’re missing. Headlines and display URLs are dynamically generated helping your ad to be that much more relevant to a prospects exact search.

You will always have control of what your description says ensuring your message always gets across, in this case, it’s the new features from their new renovations and of course their large living rooms.

The Stats:

  • 14.08% CTR
  • 25.10 Conversions
  • $0.72 Avg. CPC

Responsive Search Ads (Beta)

Google Ads Responsive for Apartments

Why It Works:

Responsive Search Ads give you an advantage as they adapt to various device widths making sure your message comes across clear on all devices and help you compete in more auctions.

With the option to enter 3-15 headlines and 2-4 descriptions, RSA gives you the opportunity to cover everything that makes your community great. Google then combines your headlines and descriptions to put together the most relevant ad for each auction.

While you can’t see which specific ad combination led to conversions, you can take a good guess based on the number of impressions a particular combination received.

The Stats:

  • 3.48% CTR
  • 180 Conversions
  • $1.39 Avg. CPC

Expanded Text Ads

Google Expanded Text Ads for Apartments

Why It Works:

The exact part of town the apartment is located in is made clear, helping drive traffic for those truly looking to live in the north not south part of Grand Prairie.

The opening date is clearly stated which really means the community is brand new. Many times you have apartment communities that are a few years old still stating that they are brand new.

For those that travel often or work at the Airport, including the quick commute to the airport is important. Always highlight what makes your location special.

The Stats:

  • 11.97 % CTR
  • 142 Conversions
  • $1.07 Avg. CPC

Responsive Display Ads

Google Responsive Display Ads for Apartments

Why It Works:

It always helps to add a pop of color and here we have two. Not only does this catch your eye, but it also makes the headline itself more readable.

This high converting ad also makes sure to cover the main points, location, and amenities. And as a responsive display ad, this ad type adjusts to fit any ad space and device.

The Stats:

  • .77% CTR
  • 161 Conversions
  • $0.25 Avg. CPC


No matter the ad type, there is always something you can do to make your ad stand out from the rest. By giving it that extra attention – it will ultimately lend a hand in increased performance.

For text ads, it’s the copy itself. Make sure to highlight amenities that are unique to the community and submarket. For display, it’s all about the visuals, whether it be the image itself or the accent colors used within the ad. Which ads are you seeing within your Google Ads campaigns that are converting?


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Written by Josh Grillo

Josh Grillo is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and Co-Founder of Resident360.

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