What’s Your Follow-Up Experience Like From Your Website Forms?


When was the last time you filled out a form on your property website to see what the follow-up experience is like?

Testing these forms and seeing how the agents at your communities respond to an inquiry can either be an enlightening or a disheartening experience. Your focus should be on the impression left on the prospect—their experience with your community.

Start with your community website. Fill out the Check Availability, Schedule a Tour, or whatever type of contact form you have, and see how the follow-up process unfolds.

Pay particular attention to the following: 

  • How immediate was the follow-up?
  • Did you receive only an email?
  • Did you get a phone call and email?
  • How was the actual response? (Great email, great phone call, or less than stellar?)
  • How persistent was the follow-up? If you didn’t respond, did someone check back in with you?
  • Was the follow-up consistent with what you’re requesting? For example, if you filled out a Schedule a Tour form, did the agent specifically acknowledge that?

If you think you are having problems with leads, use the above questions in your next follow-up test. 

Written by Josh Grillo

Josh Grillo is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and Co-Founder of Resident360.

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