How To Create a Five Star Resident Guarantee


Today’s marketing tip: I’m sharing a well-crafted Five Star Resident Guarantee I came across on the Friedman Realty Group website. I think they knocked it out of the park with this one, and it’s something we can adopt for our own companies.

Let’s dig in…

#1 – First off, with any good guarantee or promise, it’s important to name it and make it your own.

That’s exactly what Friedman did with the Friedman Five Star Guarantee.

To create your own version, try this:

  • [Company Name] + Five Star Guarantee
  • [Company Name] + Promise

#2 – You need an elevator pitch or a quick sentence that describes your guarantee.

Here’s how Friedman explains it: “Our Friedman Five Star Guarantee is designed to ensure that each resident is provided with an exceptional living experience.”

#3 – The guarantee should contain terms or language that your residents will understand.

Think of it as mini headlines that could be scanned quickly by a reader—a bullet list can effectively do this.

You can see Friedman’s five points in their guarantee below. Each of these points is then expanded upon with specific language of what it means for the resident.

  1. 30 Day Move-In Guarantee
  2. Community Transfer
  3. Flexible Lease Terms
  4. Superior Service
  5. Security Deposit

#4 – Use the words “You” or “Your” more than “We” when creating your guarantee.

This will help you speak directly to the prospective resident. For example, on Friedman’s Five Star Guarantee page, they use the words “you” or “your” a whopping 19 times. Check out their page here, and you’ll see what I mean.

#5 – Embrace your guarantee both mentally and physically.

That means making sure your entire team knows it, understands it, and can communicate it effectively. Then illustrate it on all your marketing materials—especially your website.

Friedman does a fantastic job of highlighting their guarantee on their homepage and then in an additional full page dedicated to it.

Wrapping Up…

If your company has its own guarantee or you are in the process of creating one, here are a few ideas on how you can take it a step further:

  • Create a logo or emblem for your guarantee
  • Have a video that highlights the message
  • Include a link in your email signature to promote it
  • Include it in phone scripts for new calls
  • Add it to an email drip follow-up campaign
  • Share resident stories

Written by Josh Grillo

Josh Grillo is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and Co-Founder of Resident360.

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