Simple Email Autoresponder Strategy For Checking In With Your Prospects


Take advantage of this simple email autoresponder strategy!

It ensures your prospects get immediately contacted by you as well as holding your leasing staff accountable.

Let’s get into it…

When a prospect visits your website and fills out a contact form to schedule a tour or request information, you’ll capture their email address in your CRM or property management software. Use that email to send a series of automated emails that they’ll receive over the next 48 hours.

-> Autoresponder #1: Acknowledge receipt of their information, and let them know what will happen next. You can make it more personal by adding a fun photo of your team.

For example:
Subject: Thank You 🙂

Hello [Contact First Name],

Thanks for your interest in [Community Name]. We’re excited to help you find your next home!

We wanted to send you a quick note to let you know that someone from our team will be in contact with you shortly.

If you would like to speak with someone right away, feel free to call us directly at [Phone Number].

Talk soon,

[Staff Name]

->Autoresponder #2: The second email will be sent two days after autoresponder #1, and is a good opportunity to ask prospects about their experience.

For example:
Subject: How was it?

Hello [Contact First Name],

We just wanted to check in to see how your experience was with [Your Community Name] and make sure all your questions were answered. 

In an ongoing effort to improve our customer service, we’d love to hear any feedback you may have regarding your experience. Just reply to this email and let us know.

Thanks again!

[Staff Name]

Wrapping Up…
The reason I like this autoresponder strategy is it lets you know if prospects are being followed up on and sheds light on their experience. And if the email hits a prospect that hasn’t received a follow-up, they are likely to let you know.

Written by Josh Grillo

Josh Grillo is a #1 Best Selling Author, Speaker and Co-Founder of Resident360.

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